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Meet Wisdom Keeper: Barbara A Gagliardi - Spiral Circle

Meet Wisdom Keeper: Barbara A Gagliardi


 Meet Wisdom Keeper, Barbara A Gagliardi.  She is the owner of Holistic Healing Orlando and a reader here, at Spiral Circle.  We are pleased to share with you an interview we did with her about her journey and her knowledge of spiritual guidance. 


What type of knowledge do you share? 

Spiritual Guidance, self-empowerment, intuitive development, healing services, Entura Art for therapy, and spiritual readings


How did you become a wisdom keeper? 

I'm not sure I've ever considered myself a wisdom keeper. 

 I believe everyone is a mystic, with deeper wisdom, if they open up to it. 

I see myself as a free spirit who lives their life within the guidance of inner wisdom through higher awareness.

I started my spiritual search in my early twenties. 

I was raising 3 children but always managed to search here and there.

My grown adult children still remind me of how meditation and hanging out with these unusual people were more important than paying attention to them. haha!! That's an ongoing half-truth but a light joke amongst us. 

I explored eastern philosophy and spirituality through a good friend Steve.

Another good friend (enjoying the other side now) Steve C., introduced me to the Lakota ways in Bethlehem NY.

I also became an Esthetician and was very drawn to holistic Skincare which encompassed Facial Shiatsu and Aromatherapy. I realized when I had my hands on people I could read their energy, so I knew there was something to that. And I had two friends that were ahead of their time on energy medicine which they shared with me. My first experience receiving shamanic healing and feeling the energy from the use of an Eagle feather was quite an experience. 

I later moved to Florida in 1993. We opened a GNC store and After 4 years of searching, I became a massage therapist, largely because back then I knew I was a healer but didn't have many avenues within my reach, (Not much internet than) to do what my friends taught me, and what I picked up from esthetics. 

 I was very attracted to Shiatsu and Medical QiGong and practiced Thai chi while I was learning in school. At that time I met another two men who introduced me to that world. I noticed a pattern, These unique teachers always found me, or we found each other. As I look back I see the cosmic set up lol. overall I realized energy was a big deal. To this day my closest friends ask me...Where do you find these people?

 I moved back to NY three years after massage school. With the eastern under my belt and while practicing massage and Skincare I went to a meditation class on long island. While speaking with the instructor, she shared with me about Delphi University of Spiritual Studies in the mountains of Georgia.Delphi taught me how to bring the medium out in me. 

The place was and is a place where you can be who you are with no judgment. I met so many sensitives who you feel like you know before you even speak. A truly magical place. Those who go there call it home. It feels like and is a spiritual womb. 

After and during many classes @ Delphi I just kept growing, learning, and becoming more and more spiritually aware. 

This place retaught me everything I was incorrectly taught. It validated my deeper knowings I could never explain as a child. Of course, I had my favorite modalities such as trance healing and Entura Art which I practice now along with other modalities. And from there.......

I moved to Riverdale NY and started practicing and building there. Did a local TV Spiritual Talk Show with a fascinating woman Rose. Did readings and sales in an African American Gift Store in the Bronx, Volunteered at Open Center in Manhattan which connected me to their healing room eventually, and started bringing people in by leaving cards in a local Bikram yoga studio. So yoga enthusiasts and my skincare clients became my meditation class.

I was also able to do Trance healing services in a spa underneath a salon with the owners' ok. They believed in John of God that started me in that area.

My Grandchildren started coming into the picture so ...

I moved back to Florida in 2014 and started connecting through wellness spas, skincare spas that I worked for and connections and workshops started happening. Also a metaphysical store I worked in introduced me to more people of like mind and I taught there as well. I made connections that I still keep to this day. Although the places I was connecting, many of these places were short-lived and I had a hard time with the different and elusive energies in Florida, so different from NY. Needless to say, It was a learning process.

I had a back injury off and on for 3 years which hindered driving, sitting etc. so I was away from Metaphysics for a while and eventually got back into massage. I realized that was short-lived due to back strain, but enabled more connections and I learned additional and deepened Cranial Sacral Therapy. The fact that there is a dialogue with CST is just another indicator of healing work on an energetic level through the systems of the body. I am back in the game with my healing modalities and loving it. Sometimes we all experience the dark night of the soul to evolve.

Since than...... I have been shaped into experiencing avenues of meditation, a reverence for life, being in touch with the God within, and observing my self through my interaction with others, whether teaching, reading, giving and receiving healing work, drawing, playing with my grandchildren, connecting with others. Being grateful for the beauty that abounds and always trying to evolve to be my best without judgment.


Why do you do what you do? 

I love being connected to spirit and being a channel.

I love being able to see beyond and deeper than what is right in front of us, such as the understanding that which comes from reaching the shadowy parts of ourselves. I believe as a child I kinda always knew things about people, without knowing why.

The beautiful part is observing and being a facilitator of a person's growth and healing process no matter what modality or form spirit works through ...

The creative aspect of Entura art is one of my favorite things to explore. Tapping into the energy of Wisdom, love, harmony, and higher energies is such a connection to spirit.


How do you weave sacred or conscious commerce into your products or business operations?

 As a massage therapist and practitioner of cranial-sacral therapy

I discuss healing with certain individuals who are open to other healing modalities. CST is also very healing as well as massage. Although I don't do many massages anymore due to old injuries.

I still have a following from old students that still keep in touch for meditations, healing etc. 

 I also belong to the Sanford Community organic gardening for 4 years and have a plot there, which introduces you to more people. 

 I was doing free entura art readings via the phone during covid, which was interesting. It brought me back into the Entura Art. I would go over the drawing via the phone and healing would come through. 

You can find me at Spiral Circle doing Entura Art Spiritual Readings which bring people to further explore healing options. I am also teaching virtually through zoom as virtual seems to be the thing now. And currently cultivating classes for Intuitive and inner conscious development...... as well as online meditations to be announced soon.


What wisdom would you like to share with our readers? 

Probably the most important wisdom advice is to be true to what your heart is calling you to do or be. To keep your thoughts high and your vibration will call to you what your mind is focusing on.

Connecting to your higher self and becoming more heart-centered will get you there. 

I don't care if it's to be a better Mom, a happier person, a specific line of work, or just to be a better person for yourself and others.

Being Heart-centered is getting out of the mental and emotional and into the center of compassion, love, and understanding for self and others.

 This raises your vibration and keeps you there most of the time.. Eventually, you will see things start to shift in your favor.

No matter what your path; to be aligned with your inner wisdom is the way to certainty. Following inner guidance is so important especially when outside forces are disruptive or uncertain as of 2020. or just the plain everyday contrast that comes our way from time to time.

Life goes a lot smoother when you're connected and aligned with these components.


What are you curious about these days? What insights are you gleaning?

I'm curious about which way humanity is heading. I see a lot of chaos, division, half-truths, stress. But I also see compassion growing and connection even if virtual. More people are inventing. Creativity is blooming.

I believe when I am in the vibration of love it resonates toward whomever you are with. So I try to stay with that practice just to be present and see what happens. I am also reaching out more toward other communities of like interests that encompass health and well being. I believe we are headed into community-mindedness, and I am watching to see where I will be with it to bring in innovative ideas, teachings gatherings etc. I believe we are shifting massively and am working on my part. It's a great time for healers, wellness coaches, organic gardeners, anyone in the healing arts, we are so needed now. I can't wait to see how that progresses.

 I am looking toward a more fruitful alignment with my Entura Art. I would love to share and help bring out the mystic within others. I am also fond of understanding about life after death. So much fear around death in this culture. That's something I'd love to share with others. I know of a great book on the subject called The Definitive Book on the afterlife by Patricia Hayes. Worth exploring. She is the founder of Delphi. Pure heart.


What are your top three book recommendations and why? 

The Autobiography of Yogananda

It was introduced to me when I was searching in my late twenties. It changed my perspective and I literally couldn't leave its side. It became my personal Bible. The truths, the connection to the God within was so far from what I was taught in religion, I was in love with a deeper truth. I still keep it by my bedside.


Black Elk Speaks

I was always interested in Native American Spirituality and culture. A friend who I would travel to sweat lodges within upstate NY had mentioned the book.

I again was moved by Black elk's visions and his ideals in the Lakota spiritual tradition and ways. My friend Darr was a student of a Sioux medicine elder in South Dakota and I was fortunate to gain wisdom and insight from him at the beginning of my search for spiritual understanding. 


Ruling your World by Sakyong Miphang

(Ancient strategies for modern life)

This book was part of an online class including a mentor that I took from the University of Delphi Spiritual Studies called the Mystical Path.

I've used and recommended this book in my classes that's how much of an influence it had on me.

The Mystical Path class included inner meditations on certain Higher Masters but the book is the part that impacted the understanding of how to be a kinder, and a more compassionate human being, as well as changing the way you listen and speak to and with your inner dialogue. The old belief systems that create who we are. 

It utilizes different animals who represent a certain part of each path, for instance, the path of the tiger, Which speaks of the path of virtue and using discernment in our daily lives.

It's my second Bible :)


Instagram: holistichealing4u





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