Kelly Lowe shares her story of how she escaped the shadow of loss to discover a beautiful new normal. Her narrative is honest in its lows and optimistic in its highs, and is both personal and universal. Parts of it are unique to her, but most of what she describes will be familiar to all who have suffered a similar fate. Her revelations are simple—as life is often more simple than we make it—yet complex enough that she finds no need to gloss over very real challenges. I believe you’ll find her guidance to be wise and easy to follow. If you have suffered because a loved one who was there one moment is now suddenly gone, The Sun Always Rises will illuminate a path that can help you thrive in a time of loss. In such times, thinking clearly can be difficult, and things that are pretty straight forward—even inevitable—may feel mind boggling or beyond solution.
A counselor like Kelly who has suffered the same kinds of loss, understands human nature, and can articulate a clear vision of the way forward can be invaluable in stormy times. Kelly Lowe has a zest for life that shines through on every page. Beyond that, she knows the terrain of loss and recovery and speaks a language which talks directly to the wounded heart seeking to heal.
As she says in the conclusion of her book, “I’ve come to the conclusion that the first and most important thing in life is to find peace and happiness within—essentially to be happy with yourself and allow yourself to believe it. Enjoy every sunrise. Let each day be a fresh mental start. Remember, no matter how dark any time might feel, the Sun Always Rises. Will you believe that it’s true, and that you can rise with it?”
Kelly Lowe is an Astrological Counselor, teacher, and author. She has been a professional astrological counselor for more than 30 years, helping her clients to better understand themselves, and to cope with challenging cycles in their lives. Kelly believes that her faith in God and understanding of astrology have been the keys to recovering from her own losses and challenging cycles, including an early divorce, and the death of two wonderful husbands. Her life and journey are a testament to recovery and prosperity. Her joy is helping others do the same. Kelly has appeared on national TV, been a regular guest on several radio shows, and publishes a monthly astrology newsletter. She has taught astrology at Seminole State College and Daytona State College, and gives frequent astrological lectures throughout the country. Her first book, An Astrologer’s Journey, was recommended in reviews by leading national publications. Her monthly newsletter is available on her website at, and you can also visit her on