The Queer Lenormand deck is a modern design, with colorful artwork by queer artist Mariana Andrade, developed with extra cards to represent all within the LGBTQIA+ community, with a diversity of race and gender identities.
This 54-card deck comes with a guidebook and includes different Person, Drag King and Queen cards and extra Child, Man and Woman cards for personalized readings.
The Queer Lenormand comes with 18 extra cards that are character cards that anyone can read or any relationship. The extra cards are:
- 5 Person cards (represents non-binary, genderqueer, gender fluid)
- 4 men cards (it means 5 men cards in total in the deck)
- 4 women cards (it means 5 women cards in total in the deck)
- 1 child card (it means 2 child cards in total in the deck)
- 4 drag cards (represents drag queens and drag kings)
With the deck, it will come included a guidebook designed and written by creator Mariana Andrade. The guide will explain the meaning of each card and will include two reading styles that will help you.
For more info you can go to Queer Divine, the Queer Lenormand Kickstarter, or on instagram @queerlenormand