Recreating Eden deciphers the security code to the Garden of Eden and maps the way back to the blissful existence humanity enjoyed before The Fall. In addition to explaining the mechanics of what happened when Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit, this practical guide to personal and planetary ascension provides instruction for reversing their fatal decision.,
Recreating Eden delivers the exciting news that it is time at last for humanity’s return to the Garden, and how easily we can create a harmonious new world by opting out of the dangerous modus operandi we have been utilizing since the first humans defied their creator. Outlining a couldn’t-be-simpler, personal strategy for unlocking the Garden gate, and showing how Eden will manifest on a large scale by the exponential effects of individuals doing the very simple thing that is necessary, Recreating Eden lights the path to the single greatest shift in human consciousness since Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit. For readers of all spiritual orientations.